Music Demo
In order to have music files on your site you must upload them to your Google Drive.
In order to have music files on your site you must upload them to your Google Drive.
Right-click on the file and click share. In the sharing window click the settings icon (gear).
Right-click on the file and click share. In the sharing window click the settings icon (gear).
Make sure 'Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy' is checked.
Then select "Get shareable link" The link will automatically be copied to your clipboard..
Then select "Get shareable link" The link will automatically be copied to your clipboard..
Use the Embed URL button in the Insert menu to insert the URL.
Use the Embed URL button in the Insert menu to insert the URL.
When viewed on a mobile the viewer will not see the embedded music player, the viewer must click on the music link to get the player.
When viewed on a mobile the viewer will not see the embedded music player, the viewer must click on the music link to get the player.
If you have a folder containing music files you can embed the whole folder as shown at the bottom of this page. To do this click "From Drive" in the Insert menu and select the folder. You can select to show a file list or icons.
If you have a folder containing music files you can embed the whole folder as shown at the bottom of this page. To do this click "From Drive" in the Insert menu and select the folder. You can select to show a file list or icons.
Link to a mp3 (In Chrome you must go to chrome://settings/content/cookies and allow all cookies).
On mobile devices the player does not appear until the user taps on the file name.
Note: Media Player is No Longer Responsive:'
See also

<-- This is file type ogg

<- .wav file

<-- m4a file